The Amazing Machine - Your Body!
The human body is a wondrous thing. From mending it’s own broken bones to stitching cut skin back together, to clearing out harmful toxins daily in urine, the body is a self-maintaining machine. As long as it’s fueled properly, hydrated, and given enough time to rest, most of the time it takes care of itself.
What about a pregnant body? What additional things do you need or not need in order to make sure you keep the machine running smoothly when that machine is growing a whole human (or multiples)?
different people go through different phases of sleep indulgence/sleep deprivation during their pregnancies. Remember - you are tired because you are literally creating life inside of you at all times. That baby is using all of your nutrients, your energy, and your power. If that means you’ve got to nap during the day or you’ve got to hit snooze an extra couple of times, there’s no need to feel guilty about that.
Conversely, if you are having a hard time getting comfy in the last trimester of pregnancy and find yourself not sleeping at all, ask for help! Talk to your doctor or doula about ways to get some of those precious ZZZ’s back into your routine. It could be as simple as a different pillow position, or it might be something larger like sleep apnea. The only way to know is to ask!
Pregnancy cravings are real. There are the classics - ice cream and pickles, potato chips and chocolate - and then there are some truly strange cravings that your hormones concoct. Marshmallows and mustard? Vanilla ice cream and beef jerky? The craving combinations are endless.
Crazy cravings aside, it’s important to pay attention to what your body is asking for - if you’re craving burgers and steak, you may be low on iron. If you’re craving citrus fruits, such as grapefruits or lemons, you may be needing more vitamin C. Talk to your doctor or doula about your cravings, especially if you’re craving something that might not be safe for baby to eat too!
Exercise during pregnancy is something that is unique to each person experiencing it. Some people exercise all the way through their pregnancy, including lifting weights and running marathons. Some notice that they have to slow down in order to continue exercising, walking instead of running or taking up prenatal yoga instead of their intense crossfit sessions. This is another instance in which you need to listen to your body regarding what it can and cannot handle for exercise, and follow its lead. It knows the score, and won’t let you down in the final period.
If you ask most pregnancy veterans about their favorite water bottle, I bet they’d be able to pick it out immediately from their cabinet or describe it to you in detail. Growing a human is thirsty work! Not to mention that little miracle is usually tap dancing on your bladder - it helps to stay hydrated!
If you find that you’re having a hard time meeting your daily H2O goal while pregnant, try finding a water bottle that you really love using and keep it with you at all times, or add fresh fruit and berries to your water to give it a little punch. There are some pregnant people who swear they can only drink a certain type of water (filtered, tap, etc.) when they’re pregnant - just as long as you’re getting your hydration, that’s all that matters!
At Beautiful Births and Beyond, we can help you navigate these questions and more that come up as you continue your journey through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum! Contact us today for a consultation, and never be left in the dark again.