Baby Wearing - Benefits for All!
Baby wearing is a technique used all over the world by all types of mothers, parents, and caregivers. There are so many different types of baby carriers from around the world, some intricate and decorative, some as simple as a square of fabric. From baskets to Baby Bjorns, baby wearing is something that is done for a number of reasons.
First and foremost, studies show that babies are happier when they are worn more often. It gives the baby the sense of security and closeness with their parents and offers bonding opportunities for both parents. Babies that are worn from birth have an overall easier transition from womb to world, and are often prone to crying less than babies who are not worn by a parent as often.
Secondly, baby wearing frees up the hands of busy parents, making it a great option to both keep baby happy and get stuff done. In our modern world, we think about tasks such as dishes, cleaning, laundry, or light yard work as something we can complete while wearing a baby. Culturally around the world, particularly in agricultural regions, parents will baby wear throughout their work day while picking produce, weaving fabric, or herding livestock.
Third, baby wearing allows your baby to feel safe while they interact with their world. If your baby is feeling safe and calm when close to you, they are more likely to be able to take in their surroundings, observe the world around them, and ultimately learn, especially if they are worn facing out. Not only do they feel safer within their world, but baby wearing makes it easier to soothe a startled or fussy baby when you’ve already got them situated in a wearing position.
There are so many benefits to baby wearing (increased breast milk production, enhanced speech and verbal development, discreet nursing on-the-go - the list goes on and on!), why don’t more parents in western culture baby wear all the time?
Beginning in the Victorian Era, carriages became fashionable, and carriers were seen as a sign of lower status or a family of a non-Western culture. There was (and still is) a philosophy of parenting centered around self-soothing and independence within Western culture that gained popularity in the 50’s and 60’s, further physically separating babies from their parents during infancy. Carriers made a comeback in the 70’s with the invention of the Snugli, and an even larger resurgence in the 90’s when breastfeeding became popular once again.
As you are thinking about your own baby-wearing journey (or not! That’s okay too! You don’t need to baby wear to have a happy, healthy baby!) the doulas at Beautiful Births and Beyond are happy to help talk options, positions, products, and overall philosophies of baby wearing for all parents! Contact us today to set up a consultation!