Birthing Classes - What You Need to Know
Many medical professionals recommend taking some sort of birthing class during your pregnancy. There are a number of medical, social, and emotional reasons to work a class like this into your pre-baby plans!
We’re going to go through some of those benefits, but first, let's debunk a few myths and help ease some hesitations about taking a birthing class at all.
There Aren’t Any Classes Near Me!
If you live in a place that’s not near an in-person birthing class, there’s always an online birthing class as an option! In today’s digital age, many are hosting birthing classes, support groups, and other ways to connect online. Ask your doctor about any resources you may have available to you for online birth classes and more!
I Don’t Have a Partner to Go With!
If you’re a single parent, no need to fear! If you have a support person other than a partner in your life (parent, sibling, friend, doula) they can join you! The goal is to have whoever is going to be there with you in the room on the big day with you during the class. If your support person can’t make it with you, or maybe you don’t have a great support system to start with, talk to classes in your area to see if things can be modified for one, or if there are any single parent birthing classes or support groups around that you can join. Again - an online group may also be a great option for you!
I Struggle to Find Time to Go!
Especially if there are limited options near you, finding the time or energy to go to a birthing class may be difficult. If you struggle to get time off work, can’t make the drive due to pregnancy exhaustion or discomfort, or are just struggling in general to be around people, that’s okay! There will be a class or group that works for you somewhere, even if it is - you guessed it! - online!
As you may be able to tell, we’re a pretty big fan of the online class and group scenario here at Beautiful Births & Beyond. The resources, tools, and technology out there today make it easy to feel super connected virtually. Not only that, often people find it easier to be in the comfort of their own home rather than in a room full of strangers to fully engage in some of the techniques and tactics utilized in birthing classes.
What about those benefits we mentioned earlier? How do you even know what a birth class could do for you if you aren’t sure what the benefits are of taking one?
Childbirth Education to Reduce Fear & Anxiety
Studies show that expectant parents who attend a birthing class and participate in childbirth education show a lower level of fear and anxiety going into birth. Why? Because they’ve not only learned skills to work with and utilize during labor, but they’ve also learned vital and important information of how to care for themselves and their baby after birth, which eases the all around anxiety of becoming a parent in the first place! It’s a win win!
Positioning and Relaxation Techniques
Labor is an intense, physical experience for the parent giving birth, but that doesn’t mean they’re the only ones experiencing this journey! Their support person (partner, parent, sibling, friend, doula) is in for an exhausting and intense time as well, especially if labor lasts for more than a few hours. Besides the excitement, stress, and anxiousness of waiting to finally meet your baby, your body is going to be doing one of the most physically exhaustive tasks it will ever do. A birthing class can help both birthing and support parents recognize the stages and signs of each part of labor, what red flags to look for, and ways to help get each other through it. Most birth classes go over different positioning techniques to keep labor moving along, as well as pain management and comfort techniques to keep the birthing parent as relaxed and supported as possible.
Building Trust and Communication
There are probably a lot of things the support person will want to know about what the birthing person is feeling, thinking, and going through. There are probably a lot of things the birthing person will not be able to adequately communicate, especially if this is their first time having a baby. Not only just in the moments of labor, but during pregnancy as well, with hormones rushing through them and feelings on high alert. Birthing classes can help make sure both people are communicating about what they’re going through, what they want, and make plans for the big day they can stick to.
The support person can help advocate and make sure the birthing plan is adhered to, even when their partner is in the throes of a breathtaking contraction or taking a well-earned nap between surges. This isn’t just speaking about partners, but goes for any support persons, including your doula! Birthing classes give anyone who’s going to be in the room with you the platform to openly discuss, dissect, and digest what could happen and what your wishes are if and when it does.
Confidence Boosters For All Involved!
This is the big one, and goes along with everything we’ve discussed until this point. Perhaps the most important thing you will take away from a birthing class is that you can do it, and you will do it wonderfully. People give birth every minute of every day all around the world, in every condition, situation, and setting you can think of.
The most important thing to remember is your body knows what to do, and to listen to it and trust it as you move through your own labor and birth. Birthing classes give you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to trust yourself and your support team as you enter into this monumental and life changing experience.
If you’re interested in one of our online or in person birthing and support classes, or if you want to learn more about what a doula (or a digital doula!) can do for you, contact us now. We can’t wait to get started!