Top 10 Items for You and Your Baby During Wintertime
With winter creeping up on us here in the Northern Hemisphere, our little ones are at the most risk when exposed to the cold. If you live in an area like New England, the Midwest, or Canada, cold temperatures are part of life in the winter. Even if you aren’t in parts of the country where there’s feet of snow and below zero temperatures, the days get crisper and the nights can drop to below freezing, and you and your family need to be prepared.
Here are 10 items that parents swear by to get their babies through the winter from all around the Northern US & Canada:
Blankets - and lots of them!
Blankets are an easy layer to wrap up in, throw on top of, or drape over other items you’re already using for your baby for extra insulation and warmth. Using a front pack? Wrap your baby up in a blanket once they’re settled in to keep the chill out. Studies show it’s not safe for kids to wear their coat in their carseat, as it doesn’t ensure a snug fit for the straps. Problem solved - blankets! From receiving blankets to thick winter baby blankets, you can’t ever have enough!
Car Seat Covers
While the trusty blanket can certainly serve the same purpose in a pinch, a car seat cover wraps completely around the carseat, sealing in your baby’s heat and keeping out the chill. There are different levels of car seat covers, from a light cotton to a thick, insulated version. Most allow your seat to still clip right into your car, so you don’t have to remove it on the move!
Warm Jammies and Sleep Sacks
Those cute fleece outfits you got during your baby shower in the summertime certainly come in handy when the temperatures start to drop! Warm jammies or a winter sleep sack, such as any of these, help not only to keep your baby warm and toasty while sleeping, but can also be great for sensory needs, as most babies love the feel of a fleece or other soft fabric.
A Stroller to Handle the Weather!
If your baby is going to be in a stroller once the flakes start to fly, especially if you’re in a region that gets inches to feet each time there’s a snowstorm, an all-terrain stroller is a must have to keep up your outdoor time! Look for lightweight strollers with large, easily moveable wheels. Most jogger strollers are a great example of what you’re looking for!
Sun Protection
While this might be something you think about regularly when the sun is out and the weather is hot, sun protection is something that you’ll need during winter as well. Stroller canopies with UV Protection and baby sunglasses are just a few items you can use to protect your baby from the sun. It’s recommended that babies 6 months and younger stay out of direct sunlight, so one of these cute and cozy hats could do the trick as well during wintertime sunshine!
A Humidifier in Baby’s Room
Think about how dry and irritated your lips, nose, and throat get in the wintertime, especially when you sleep! Now think about that as a baby who is already having to figure out everything else about life. Keeping a humidifier in the baby’s room during the winter ensures that their delicate skin stays moisturized, doesn’t crack as easily, and can help keep babies less stuffy and congested when cold and flu season hits.
A Jacket Extender for Baby Carrier
This is a good one for parents and baby, ensuring that you can still get the use out of your own warm winter jacket while baby-wearing! Just zip it onto your own jacket and the insulation and hood help keep your baby’s back warm while their face stays towards you. Bonus - it adjusts to all zippered jackets so both parents can baby-wear!
Snuggly Sheets for Baby’s Bed
Most adults change out their summer cool cotton sheets for something a little warmer during wintertime, and it’s no different for babies! Make sure you have some warmer sheets when winter hits for your baby’s crib, such as these flannel sheets!
Hats, Mittens, and Booties
While we definitely encourage allowing babies hands to be free to self soothe and their heads left uncovered for scent-bonding when able, sometimes the weather requires that baby is as covered as can be! Hats, mittens, and booties will keep baby warm when the temperatures are below freezing, but keeping baby’s core warm is the most important part of winter wear!
Each baby is different, and everyone’s needs change based on where you’re from. There is a certain amount of trial and error, especially if you are a new parent! However, a warm baby is a happy baby, so as a rule layers are the way to go no matter where you live!
If you have questions about what’s best for your baby to wear during the winter months, one of our Doulas can help you decide what works best for you and your baby!