Natural Nausea Fighters for Morning Sickness
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with anticipation and joy, but for many expectant birthing parents, morning sickness can cast a shadow over this special time. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, commonly known as morning sickness, affect about 70-80% of pregnant women. While it's a totally normal part of pregnancy for so many, finding relief is crucial for a smoother experience. However, many are loathe to try yet another medication or medical intervention and may want to opt for a more natural route of relief.
Below are some tried and true natural remedies that can help alleviate morning sickness, providing a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy. As always, please consult with your medical professional before taking, trying, or adding anything to your dietary or supplemental routine!
Ginger - Nature's Nausea Fighter:
Ginger has long been recognized for its anti-nausea properties. Incorporating ginger into your daily routine can help soothe an upset stomach. Try ginger tea, ginger candies, or simply chewing on fresh ginger slices. Consider keeping ginger snacks on hand to nibble throughout the day for continuous relief when - or even before! - nausea strikes.
Peppermint for a Refreshing Respite:
Peppermint is another herbal remedy known for its ability to ease nausea. Whether in the form of peppermint tea, essential oil, or peppermint candies, this refreshing herb can provide mighty relief. Inhaling the scent of peppermint oil or sipping on peppermint tea can be particularly effective during bouts of morning sickness, and leaves you feeling fresh and refreshed.
Acupressure Wristbands - A Gentle Touch:
Acupressure wristbands, designed to target specific pressure points on the wrist, have been shown to aid in alleviating nausea. These bands are simple to use and can be worn throughout the day. The pressure applied to certain points is believed to restore balance to the body, helping to reduce feelings of queasiness. They’re especially effective if you’re already prone to motion sickness and moving at all proves to be difficult.
Small, Frequent Meals - Nourishing the Nausea Away:
Instead of three large meals, consider eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. An empty stomach can exacerbate morning sickness, so keeping your stomach consistently nourished can help stabilize blood sugar levels and ease nausea. It’s recommended to eat at least 4-5 smaller meals a day, up to 6 or 7 if you need it! A mix of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats are ideal - if you’re not sure what to eat, speak with a medical professional, doula, or nutritionist!
Lemon - A Citrusy Scent of Relief:
The scent of lemon is known for its ability to quell nausea and is often part of cold and flu remedies for exactly this reason. Keep fresh lemons on hand, inhale the aroma, or add a slice or two to your water or tea. The citrusy scent can have a calming effect on the stomach and senses, offering a natural and pleasant way to combat morning sickness.
Stay Hydrated with Herbal Teas:
Proper hydration is crucial during pregnancy, and herbal teas can be a soothing alternative to plain water. Choose caffeine-free options like chamomile or mint tea. Raspberry leaf or anise tea are also great options not only for pregnancy but nausea. Sipping on warm herbal teas can ease your stomach and keep you hydrated at the same time.
Vitamin B6 Supplements - A Nutritional Boost:
Consult with your healthcare provider about the possibility of taking vitamin B6 supplements. This essential vitamin has been shown to reduce the severity of nausea during pregnancy. It's important to discuss the appropriate dosage with your healthcare professional before adding any supplements to your routine, but if this is a safe option for you and baby, an extra kick of vitamin B6 might do the trick!
Essential Oils:
Essential oils are a powerful and potent remedy to many minor ailments, including nausea. Mix 3 drops of chamomile essential oil with 1 drop of peppermint essential oil and rub directly onto your tummy when it’s upset. Cover with a damp, warm cloth and let the magic work! You can also put a drop of peppermint oil onto a sugar cube to suck on, or put the cube into your tea to infuse.
Go Slowly and Stay Active:
While movement might be one of the last things you want to do when every little things makes you want to vomit, staying as active as possible can help to keep the nausea at bay. Gentle walks, slow prenatal yoga, or other forms of mild exercise are proven to be helpful. You may not be able to spring out of bed and run a marathon right now, but go slowly and do what you can to help stay active.
Acupuncture, Massage, and Reflexology:
Getting some targeted pampering and relaxation with a massage and pressure point therapies such as acupuncture or reflexology are very common nausea remedies in eastern medicine. When nothing else seems to be working, trying one of these avenues may bring you to the coveted lands of nausea relief you’ve been searching for!
While morning sickness is a common aspect of pregnancy, the journey doesn't have to be overshadowed by constant nausea. Embracing natural remedies like ginger, peppermint, acupressure wristbands, and others can provide relief without resorting to medications. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before trying new remedies, ensuring a safe and comfortable pregnancy journey. By incorporating these natural approaches, you can navigate morning sickness more gracefully and enjoy the magic of pregnancy to the fullest.